our Projects


Digital Education Platform

A Scalable Identity System

Trying to fit the same mark simultaneously on a billboard and on internet browser as a favicon, is a challenge. We ensure your identity system is designed for flexibility, consistency, and brand recognition.

Vertical Lockup

Horizontal Lockup

Icon Only



PMS 109 U
CMYK: 0, 20, 100, 0
RGB: 255, 204, 0


PMS 072 U
CMYK: 77, 69, 0, 27
RGB: 43, 57, 185
HEX: #2B39B9

Dark Night

PMS Neutral Black U
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 90
RGB: 26, 26, 26
HEX: #1a1a1a

Icon: Optimism Sun
Wordmark: Dark Night

Two Color, Dark

Icon: Optimism Sun
Wordmark: Pure White

Two Color, Light

Icon: Dark Night
Wordmark: Dark Night

Single Color, Dark

Icon: Pure White
Wordmark: Pure White

Single Color, Light

On Social Media

Icon Avatar

Preferred avatar for use on all platforms. All approved color combinations may be used.

On Merchandise


Left align the logo when possible. Use the icon for centering, or if brand subtlety is desired.

On Signboard

Horizontal Position

Left align the logo when possible. Use the icon for centering, or if brand subtlety is desired.

On The Web


Preferred avatar for use on all platforms. Our favicon—a 32px x 32px icon that is displayed in the browser next to the url—is the only other approved usage of our icon in solid form.All approved color combinations may be used.

Device Icon

If our website is saved as a bookmark on the home screen of some mobile devices, this graphic will be displayed. Default size is 192px x 192px.

On The Web


Preferred avatar for use on all platforms. Our favicon—a 32px x 32px icon that is displayed in the browser next to the url—is the only other approved usage of our icon in solid form.All approved color combinations may be used.

Device Icon

If our website is saved as a bookmark on the home screen of some mobile devices, this graphic will be displayed. Default size is 192px x 192px.

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